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Privacy policy

1. Data protection

CALDEU complies with the guidelines of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, which approves the Regulations for the development of the Organic Law and other regulations in force at all times, and ensures the correct use and processing of the user’s personal data. CALDEU complies with the guidelines of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, which approves the Regulation of development of the Organic Law and other regulations in force at all times, and ensures the correct use and treatment of the user’s personal data.

Likewise, CALDEU informs you that it complies with Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and will request your consent to the processing of your e-mail for commercial purposes at all times.

2. Acceptance and consent

The User declares to have been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the automated processing of the same by CALDEU in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Personal Data Protection Policy.

3. Accuracy and veracity of data

The user is solely responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data sent to CALDEU, exonerating CALDEU from any responsibility in this respect. Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The user agrees to provide complete and correct information in the registration or subscription form.

4. Confidentiality and transfer of data to third parties

The data you provide will be treated confidentially. CALDEU has adopted all the technical and organisational measures and all the necessary levels of protection to guarantee security in the processing of data and to avoid its alteration, loss, theft, unauthorised processing or access, in accordance with the state of technology and the nature of the data stored. Likewise, it is also guaranteed that the processing and recording in files, programmes, systems or equipment, premises and centres comply with the requirements and conditions of integrity and security established in current legislation.

CALDEU will not transfer personal data to third parties, except by legal obligation. However, in the case of being transferred to a third party, prior information will be provided to request express consent for such transfer. The entity responsible for the database, as well as those involved in any phase of the processing and/or the entities to whom the data has been communicated – in any case always with the corresponding authorisation granted by CALDEU – will not disclose personal data to third parties.